jueves, 18 de diciembre de 2008

Dear Santa Nr. 3

I want my own Keinohrhase

Dear Santa Nr. 2

I want to see THIS man's gig live...

Dear Santa Nr. 1

Johnatan Saunders, my heart belongs to you

The heart of life

Photos by Sasha Nikitin

I wish I'd been alive in 1940...

... in order to have met Mr. Francis Albert!

And even though he was in jail...

...I'd have gladly taken a ride with him in his car.

miércoles, 10 de diciembre de 2008


After years dreaming of it, I finally have my own and beautyful room :)

martes, 2 de diciembre de 2008

1 2 3 4

Lovely Photo in TeenVogue

I came across this site, where you can write your name and last name and they give you a vampire and fairy name. i found it very interesting and here are my results, which I actually liked!

VAMPIRE: Persephone de Pompadour

(click here to find yours)

FAIRY: Bramble Saturndancer

(click here to find yours)

PS:This is amazing!

Extraordinary People

Brandon Flowers for Q Magazine
PS: Beautyful Photos in Color Me Katie

Hey Moon, Don't You Go Down

Neuquén, Argentina